Democracy? It feels far away and skewed in amerika. For the sake of my sanity and physical health, I made a decision to jump off the social media and the news bus. Skinned knees heal faster than loosing myself to the chaos that is presented in our news and media outlets. I feel powerless for change on any level outside of my own skin. It feels sucky and scary. We strive for more and faster and bigger and better here. Capitalism is indoctrinated at early ages and seeps out of everything. A gallon of milk is $6 bucks here. Gas is the same $6 bucks a gallon. Can't forget the banks and powers that be messing with interest rates. Higher and higher. I feel like we are cogs in something bigger than I could know. Who helps? Me. At ground zero, within my community. I make a decision to smile at all the lovely humans when I am out and about. Everyone is truly fighting an unseen battle. I step away from what does not feel good inside of me. I volunteer and create ways to economically help humans. Small stuff but it helps me feel better when my insides are wild with grief, full of fear, armored in angst, and rattled with rage about what is changing and happening everywhere that is out of my control. Even with my "head in the sand" media blackout, the energy of what is happening globally affects us all. I feel it. Thank you both for this discussion. I feel less alone. Peace to you.

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