There is an infection called Covid-19. It has variants. There are things like vaccines. You have a reasonably good chance of surviving the vaccines. You do not have a good chance of surviving the infection. I have not been “vaccinated” but I have contracted the infection and spent a week in Intensive Care.
My experience in the hospital was so frightening that I will now accept “the vaccination.” I doubt that it’s completely medically safe, and I recognize that the virus is a bioweapon. I recognize that the pandemic is a world war for which no one is taking responsibility. Are you going to make a political statement or are you going to take the greatest actions for the survival of yourself and your family?
Act now in deciding how to protect yourself. Expect everything you hear over public media to be a lie. This is not a pandemic, it is a war. You are a victim. Be proactive. Be informed. Recognize that everything that is of value to you will be taken from you if you do not protect yourself.
Much Ado About Nothing
Of Higher Realities
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
— George Orwell
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